RTITB Annual Accreditation Audit
Today, Matt Orrin, Training Accreditation Auditor, from the Road Transport Industry Training Board visited us at our training centre to carry out our annual accreditation audit.
There is a lengthy list of requirements that need to be in place to obtain RTITB accreditation and various items are checked in detail such as:
- Publications held (eg, LOLER and PUWER guides, Approved Code of Practice)
- Documentary evidence / administration procedures (course bookings, authorisation to operate forms, test marking sheets, theory papers, GDPR paperwork)
- Instructor Register – confirmation of all instructor expiry dates
- CPD and Query Check / Training Record Review – various trainees records are checked to ensure the paperwork has been completed correctly.
- Training Facilities (eg, signage to indicate lift truck in use, emergency exits clearly marked, good lighting, floors in good condition).
- Energy Replenishment / Refuelling (eg, access to refuelling area available for all trucks with appropriate resources and PPE).
- Storage Facilities and Physical Resources (eg, check racking is bolted to floor and has appropriate safety locking pins, ensure there are sufficient number of pallets , laden and unladen, in good condition and of the same size.
- Machines / Lift Trucks (eg, ensure fit for purpose and check machines are regularly inspected).
- Classroom Facilities (eg, adequate heating, lighting and ventilation).
- Associated Knowledge Training Aids (eg, overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, flipchart).
We have a couple of outstanding actions regarding trainee records but apart from that our audit went very well and it was a pleasure to deal with Matt who is always very helpful and supportive.